Enhancing Your User Journey

A Case Study on How a Digital Transformation Increased Revenue while Improving the Customer Buying Experience

As the typical first point of contact between a business and its customers, it’s essential that a website is not only visually appealing but also user-friendly and easy to navigate. A well-designed and user-friendly website can make the difference between a customer choosing your business or a competitor. That being said, trying to strike a balance with design and user elements can be a struggle.

In this case study, we’ll take a closer look at the well-executed website strategy and development project we embarked on for Orangetheory Fitness (OTF), a digital fitness gym looking to enhance its user journey. We’ll examine their challenges and the solutions we implemented to improve user experience and drive business growth.

The Challenge
Lowering IT Vendor costs by 15%
Our Approach
Migrating to integrated best-in-breed digital stack
Removing Tech Debt
Ensuring rapid future digital innovation by replatforming with industry engineering standards


Searching for an Improved Digital Strategy

To stay competitive, OTF, a technology-tracked, coach-inspired, group fitness studio, wanted to lower tech debt, cut IT costs, and improve customer experience. After years of rapid digital innovation, OTF's ability to create large scale experiences quickly became challenging due to tech stack limitations and implementation shortcomings. The company had been using the Adobe Suite (Adobe Experience Manager, Adobe Campaign, Adobe Analytics, Adobe Target) for several years but needed to make a change due to the following issues:

Complex implementation infrastructure hindered innovation speed
Overly expensive annual contracts
Inability for people to implement cutting edge experiences

Overall, their previous tech stack was not meeting their user-experience and functionality needs. It was outdated and difficult to navigate, and it didn’t provide a seamless user experience to acquire & maintain membership subscriptions. There was also a major issue with maintenance, updating, and creating new experiences, as it often required specialized technical skills and resources.

OTF wanted an integrated technology stack and implementation that would provide an unobtrusive experience for users and allow them to increase membership conversion and retention. These technical modernizations would play a pivotal role in allowing Orangetheory to maintain it's digital dominance within the fitness industry.


Our Approach

Enhancing User Experience Through Digital Modernization

Since AEM is only compatible with some devices, browsers, and operating systems, many OTF users experienced limited compatibility and slow performance, contributing to poor user experience. To achieve the primary goal of exemplary user experience, Outliant outlined objectives that involved migrating their legacy system to an integrated best-in-breed tool set.

After examining the issues OTF was facing, the objectives of this project included the following:
Migrating the website to a flexible, modernized database
Streamlining the user membership subscriptions process
Improving analytics and data-monitoring capabilities
Enhancing website security and performance
Evaluating the impact of these changes and migrating all other Adobe products to best-in-breed tooling

The Solution

To achieve these goals, Outliant worked closely with the OTF team to develop a comprehensive digital transformation and modernization plan.

The project involved the following phases:
Website Audit
Design and Development
Security & Scalability
User Membership Subscriptions
Migrate off of the rest of the Adobe products
Testing and Launch
Website Audit

The team thoroughly audited the existing website to identify areas that needed improvement, by analyzing user feedback data and identifying technical limitations with the AEM platform.

Security & Scalability

Outliant designed and implemented a Reverse Proxy solution to improve security, performance, and scalability of the website. By adding an additional layer of security to the web servers, the reverse proxy solution filtered out malicious traffic and authenticated user requests, ensuring that only authorized users could access the web servers. This solution distributes the load of incoming requests across multiple web servers. Because it allows for scalability through multiple web integrations, this solution improves the overall responsiveness of the website and reduces the load on individual web servers.


Outliant set up analytics and data monitoring which allowed OTF to track website traffic and user behavior, providing valuable insights into their website performance. This feature gathers data, insights, track website traffic, user behavior, and other key metrics to improve decision-making capabilities. Similarly, we implemented Pixel Tracking to monitor users’ interactions and behaviors on the website.

Design and Development

Based on the findings from the website audit, the concluding solution was to move the website to a more sustainable, modern platform. We migrated the website to Webflow, a modern, user-friendly, and flexible tool that offers responsive design, ecommerce functionality, and third-party apps and services integration. By designing a responsive and user-friendly website, we created a visually appealing and easy-to-navigate website experience that is optimized for both desktop and mobile devices.

User Membership Subscriptions

As one of the core areas that needed improvement, Outliant streamlined a Digital Membership Agreement Signing that outlines the terms and conditions of membership subscriptions to its users. We set up an online membership join and booking system, making it easy for potential members to sign up for a membership through an online payment gateway. This process made it easier for staff to manage new memberships. Furthermore, we developed a First-Class Booking system to enable users to reserve premium services, such as personal training sessions or exclusive access to certain equipment.

Testing and launch

Finally, before launching the new website, we conducted thorough QA testing to ensure that all features and functionalities were working as intended.

Website Audit

The team thoroughly audited the existing website to identify areas that needed improvement, by analyzing user feedback data and identifying technical limitations with the AEM platform.

Design and Development

Based on the findings from the website audit, the concluding solution was to move the website to a more sustainable, modern platform. We migrated the website to Webflow, a modern, user-friendly, and flexible tool that offers responsive design, e-commerce functionality, and third-party apps and services integration. By designing a responsive and user-friendly website, we created a visually appealing and easy-to-navigate website experience that is optimized for both desktop and mobile devices.

Security & Scalability

Outliant designed and implemented a Reverse Proxy solution to improve security, performance and scalability of the website. By adding an additional layer of security to the web servers, the reverse proxy solution filtered out malicious traffic and authenticated user requests, ensuring that only authorized users can access the web servers. Additionally, this solution can distribute the load of incoming requests across multiple web servers. Because it allows for scalability through multiple web integrations, this solution improves the overall responsiveness of the website and reduces the load on individual web servers.

User Membership Subscriptions

As one of the core areas that needed improvement, Outliant streamlined a Digital Membership Agreement Signing that outlines the terms and conditions of membership subscriptions to its users. We set up an online membership join and booking system, making it easy for potential members to sign up for a membership through an online payment gateway. This process made it easier for staff to manage new memberships. Furthermore, we developed a First-Class Booking system to enable users reserve premium services such as personal training sessions or exclusive access to certain equipment.


Outliant set up analytics and data monitoring which allowed OTF to track website traffic and user behavior, providing valuable insights into their website performance. This feature gathers data, insights, track website traffic, user behavior, and other key metrics to improve decision-making capabilities. Similarly, we implemented Pixel Tracking to monitor user's interactions and behaviours on the website.

Testing and launch

Finally, before launching the new website, we conducted thorough QA testing to ensure that all features and functionalities were working as intended.


The migration from AEM to Webflow improved the user experience, resulting in several benefits for Orangetheory Fitness. The new website launched in late December 2022, less than 3 months after the project started, and the results were immediate.

Increased Website Traffic

The new design and improved user experience increased website traffic. Customer acquisition numbers shot through the roof with more users visiting the site and staying longer.

Lead Intro

This is especially for first-time users to provide them with a seamless experience when trying a class for the first time or purchasing a membership. This increased participation in classes and also attracted new users.

Online Join

This is the new flow that was introduced to provide a user-friendly online membership and class purchasing flow that makes it easy for customers to purchase memberships and class packages. This feature encouraged new signups due to its clear and concise information structure about the different membership and class options available, with minimal steps and easy payment integration.

Pre-Sales Flow

This is another important feature of the website that was implemented to allow users inquire about a studio that is not yet open. This feature “Coming Soon” is accessed via a modal, and includes information about the studio's location, anticipated opening date, and contact information for further inquiry. This helps users stay informed about upcoming studio openings, or join a waitlist in advance.

Improved Conversion Rates

The streamlined user membership subscription process increased conversion rates, with more users signing up for subscriptions. There was a significant increase in its Lighthouse scores; improvements in web performance saw about 72% increase, and SEO improved by 10% with accessibility scaling by 25%.

Reduced Maintenance Costs

By migrating to a modernized system, OTF saves costs in website maintenance, as the new platform does not require specialized technical skills to manage.

In all, the digital transformation strategy and implementation project successfully created a more user-friendly experience, better user engagement, and increased revenue for Orangetheory Fitness

Streamlining Digital Development: The Power of the Integrated Best-In-Breed Stack

Many businesses struggle to improve their digital presence, because they rely on legacy tooling that requires specialized technical skills and resources. This is why many tech a flocking to easy to use integrated best in breed stack.

As seen in the case of OTF, no-code development allows businesses to build unique, customer and user-friendly experiences with ease.

One of the most significant benefits of using no-code for this project is that it allows the team to quickly and easily update the OTF website, without disrupting their regular affairs. This is especially important in today's fast-paced digital world, where businesses need to be able to make updates and changes to their website in real time.

A notable milestone of this project was the inclusion of analytical features to track and analyze website traffic and user engagement data in real time. No-code development enables businesses to understand how their website performs and make data-driven decisions for improvement.

Like OTF, no-code development has revolutionized the way businesses approach website development. The benefits of no-code development are undeniable, and it's certainly a must-have for businesses that want to stay ahead of the competition and drive business growth.

If you're ready to take the first step towards streamlining your website development or attaining digital transformation, our team of experts is prepared to walk you through that journey.

At Outliant, we understand that every business is different and unique. We will work with you to understand your specific needs and provide a customized solution to help you achieve your business goals. Don't just take our word for it; book a discovery call with us today, and let's transform your business.

“Our experience with Outliant has been a great journey for us. Three things about Outliant stand out for me:

(1) Exceptional web, engineering and PM talent;

(2) The ability to think out-of-the-box to help us solve tough business and technical challenges;

(3) The grit to dig in and get our projects across the finish line when we had tough deadlines and unexpected scope changes. Outliant’s hard work and technical leadership were key drivers behind Orangetheory’s recognition as Webflow’s 2023 Enterprise Customer of the Year.

Background: Outliant helped Orangetheory move off a very expensive Adobe contract, migrated the bulk of our site from hand-coded pages to CMS driven content, built our online join platform with click-wrap paperless contracts, cleaned up our marketing pixels and privacy management, sped up our website and improved our SEO, lighthouse, and accessibility scores. Their follow-on efforts migrated our international content from 24 countries to an international website with automated translations and manual overrides, improved our location search capabilities, added A/B testing, and advanced analytics. Along the way Outliant delivered custom solutions for Walmart+ and Fandango partner programs, our in-house referral program, and country and calendar specific promotions. We’re also using Outliant for life cycle marketing work where they are helping us replace another very expensive Adobe platform with Iterable and Radiant, saving us lots of money and significantly improving our messaging capabilities."
- Malcolm Green SVP of Engineering and IT